Thursday 2 August 2012


Die 7 top projekte wat vir die Romans Pizza Double Up Challenge ingeskryf het, is geïdentifiseer en die wenners moet nou gekies word!

Stem van 1 tot 14 Augustus vir die projek wat jy dink die grootste verskil vir kinders in nood maak, en staan elke dag ‘n kans om ‘n R250 Romans Pizza-geskenkbewys los te slaan!

Sms dan “Romans Pizza” gevolg deur die naam van die projek van jou keuse na 32716 (Bv, Romans Pizza Patch)

Vingers op die knoppies vir ‘n dubbele glimlag vir ‘n kind in nood!

Die 7 top projekte is:

1. 4kidz
‘n Groep van 5 laerskool leerders het begin om verjaarsdagpartytjies vir behoeftige kinders - wat nooit partytjies het nie, te hou. Hulle het sommer Romans Pizza aan boord gekry wat dan pizza tydens die geleentheid vir die kinders skenk.

2. Die 5 sent projek
Willowbridge Shopping Centre het R74 433,15 se 5sente ingesamel en Stop Hunger Now kon daarmee 37,216 maaltye vir honger kinders koop.  Met die insameling van 1,45 miljoen vyfsente, wat nou finaal die mark gaan verlaat, het hulle die voorreg gehad om menige kindermagies met nie-bederfbare kos vol te maak en word daar met bokse kos, bokse hoop afgelaai.

3. Bag of Goodness
Liesel Smalberger, ‘n onderwyseres by die Carel du Toit Sentrum, waar dowe kinders leer praat, het met "My Bag of Goodness" begin waar hulle op 'n weeklikse basis kospakkies aan behoeftige families in hulle skool gee.  Op die oomblik voorsien hulle 50 per week, maar dit raak meer.  Sy voorsien 'n sak wat genaamd is "my bag of goodness" wat 'n individu of onderneming kan vul met wat hulle wil en soveel hulle wil gee.  Die "slogan" van die projek is "its not the quantity but the thought of giving that counts".  Haar droom is dat die projek so groei dat hulle omliggende skole ook op 'n weeklikse/maandelikse basis kan help met kospakkies vir behoeftige families.

4. I’m Special-projek
I am Special Ministries spandeer kwaliteit tyd met behoeftige kinders om hulle spesiaal te laat voel sodat hulle kan besef dat dit nie saakmaak waar hulle vandaan kom of wie hulle is nie, nie eens wat hulle doen nie - "JY is spesiaal, want God het JOU gemaak!" Hulle doen onder meer poppekaste en die Romans Pizza Double-up challenge het nuwe lewe aan hierdie projek gegee met mense wat onder meer klere, speelgoed, tydskrifte en sporttoerusting vir die kinders ingesamel het. 

5. Patch
Patch verskaf gratis terapie aan kinders in die Helderberg omgewing wat seksueel gemolesteer is.

6. Tennis-projek
Growing Sports Foundation gee aan 2 000 behoeftige kinders gratis tennisklasse. Tydens die lesse word ‘n gunstige omgewing geskep waar die kinders dan ook positiewe gewoontes, lewensvaardighede, dissipline en sturktuur aangeleer word.

7. Troospakkies
Ramsay Media het genoeg geld ingesamel om 200 troospakkies vir seuntjies wat verkrag is te voorsien. Die troospakkies bevat waslappe, tandepasta en –borsels, inkleurboeke, speelgoed,en koekies.
Old Mutual het 3 000 troospakkies voorsien vir verkragtingslagoffers (meisies) tussen die ouderdomme van 4-8 en 9-12.
Media24 het 6 400 "snack packs" gepak vir kinderverkragtingslagoffers.
Hulle almal help Matla-a-bana, ‘n organisasie wat kinders tydens hierdie traumatiese tyd bystaan.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

I am Special: PROJECT

I am special have been involved in the lives of thousands of children over the last 3 years. With their school programme they get to spend time with each child - loving them and through the compassion and dedication of their facilitators and friends (sponsors) showing children in poor and under privilege communities just how special they are. Letting them realize it does not matter where you come from or who you are, not even what you do, you are Special just because God made you.

Their circumstances can not be changed, but they can be given  hope and guidance. (please see YOUTUBE link ). This is an ongoing project so during the month of June and July they continued with their classes. They also have a "I am Special Puppet Show", where they go to mainly under privilege communities presenting the puppet show free of charge. Again with the aim of letting children realize that they are SPECIAL. During the month of June and July three puppet shows were done for altogether +/- 150 children.

The Romans Double up challenge inspired a whole new dimension to their programme. They enlisted their charity on the Double Up challenge website to get people involved in helping them to let children feel special, asking individuals, groups or companies to get involved. The response was incredible!  We have so far been able to help 1600 children with magazines for research, new sporting equipment for gym class, toys and stuff for the girls, dress up corner, baby clothes and products for an aids orphanage, muffins for 50 hungry tummies and crayons to help I am Special ministries present their programme.  Dipped confections coffee shop in Stellenbosch hosted a High Tea for I am Special where the guests brought toys, clothes and things that they could give to children in need, Hlamba linen helped a young girl with clothes after arriving at a save house with her mom, The International Hotel school took I am Special as their CSI project for 2012 and Doxa Deo donated three boxes of baby clothes, as well as donations in kind.

"We can only thank Romans double up for inspiring us to add a new “leg” to our programme. We realized that there are a lot of people out there that want to help but do not always know where and how. And now they can contact us to help them making a child feel special."

They planned to help 10 000 kids and will be able to help far more children between the ages of 0 - 13 years of age than they have anticipated.

This project is considered a success, because they saw the faces of the children as they are told they are special, they saw their faces when a facilitator makes time in her/his day (every week) just to spend time with a child, they heard children telling a friend “i am Special”. They saw the reaction of children when they receive something as simple as a magazine and they saw the face of a little girl getting a new pair of jeans and panties... And they saw the faces and reaction of people willing to make this happen. They saw something money cannot buy.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Media24 Books Employee Engagement Forum, Amabookaboeke: PROJECT

The Thuthuzela Care Centre at Karl Bremer Hospital helps rape victims become survivors. Amabookaboeke's (Media24 Books Employee Engagement Forum) aim is to assist the counsellors in the tremendous job they do and to help the young lives begin a healing process.

They supplied the centre with pamper packs for the young survivors aged 0-12 years. Each pack contained nappies or boys or girls underwear, sanitary towels, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, hairclips ...(for the girls), cloth, soap, a soft toy, sweets and whatever other little gifts that are donated. You may make up a pack yourself or make a donation of some of the products. They are happy to buy products on your behalf too. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting the project. They are grateful for all the donations whereby they are able to supply to the centre. The support for the project has been phenomenal. In June 2012 they planned on supplying 100 pamper packs. With the generous contributions of friends and colleagues they were able to donate 200 packs, books, a toy box with toys, and also some toiletries for the Centre itself.

The estimated value of products and services sponsored were R17 000, they had 358 volunteers assisting with this project and is definately continuing with this project as they are getting ready to pack another 100 packs in the next month.

They consider their project a success because people are passionate about this cause. Every person that they speak to, every parent that they speak to wants to come aboard. Even if you can only contribute a bar of soap per month you are doing your bit towards a pamper pack being ready for delivery.

Women and Beyond - "No Shame" campaign: PROJECT

On the 14th of July a "No Shame" campaign was hosted for Women and Beyond at Bayside Mall for 3 days to not only create awareness but collect goodies so that whenever a mother visited them, they could cater for the children as well. The project could only accomodate 33 plus children and toys and snacks were needed to make Goodie-bags for the children (aged between 4 and 9 years old) visiting the care centre. 

All the sweets, bears and colouring paper & crayons were sponsored and yes, this project will continue because the need is great as they receive women daily in their care and they mostly come with children when they attend their counselling sessions.  They have seen growth from just being able to help 1 child to gradualy growing to 33 and more. It has been growing and it benefits the children emotionally as well to be attended to on that level. They even appointed a child therapist who will make sure the childrens emotional and psychological needs are met.  They would like to add a snack as well into the goodie pack.

Media24 staffers do more than their bit for Matla a Bana: PROJECT

Media24 staffers countrywide celebrated Mandela Day by rolling up their sleeves and getting involved in the heartbeat of South Africa by not only publishing stories of hope but also making them happen. They got their staff members involved and packed more than 6 000 snack packs for the Matla a Bana project in aid of child rape survivors. Products and services to the value of R100 000 got sponsored for this project, 450 volunteers helped and planning on helping 5 000 children, they ended up helping 6 400 children. The project was definitely considered a success as staff loved the project and with the commitment of the CEO they will be packing even more packs next year.  They also exceeded their target by 1400 and staff are still donating. Great awareness for the rape crisis in SA was created.

    Friday 20 July 2012


    My name is Joe Struwig, I am the Chairman of “Live to Race”, a Children’s Outreach, we are in our 5th year running. We are a group of 120 drivers (all volunteers), owners of sports and race cars with a passion for special children. We are a self funded NPO and are currently working with approx 10 National Charities including Reach for a Dream, Hokisa, The Homestead, CHOC, The Anna Foundation, etc, etc. Our Charity partners include Old Mutual, WPMC, ER24, Airports Company, Total, Ignition TV, CAR Magazine, 104FM Radio Tygerberg – to name a few.

    The Killarney Race Track in Cape Town once again became a hive of action and adrenalin when “Live o Race” hosted another “Live to Race” fun day for special children – with the aim of wiping some serious smiles onto those little faces. The date was Sunday the 29th of July and 25-30 sports and race cars were taken to the track driving children living with cancer, children in wheelchairs and children from disadvantaged backgrounds around the track.

    They requested pizzas from Romans pizza to provide lunch for the 113 people on Sunday and Radio Tygerberg collected the pizza's and arrived at the track with a total of 19 boxes and 38 pizza's and everone had a FEAST!!! 

    This project was motivated by the Double Up SA challenge and they managed to help 81 kids.  The project will absolutely continue as Live to Race is a sustainable outreach.  They do 4 events at Killarney Race Track every year and have been doing so for the past 4 years running.

    They have a team of volunteers who bring their time and their sports cars only so that they can share the experience with someone who's in need of a little care and upliftment.  It's a passion which they all share and it's wonderful being in a position to do so - to make a difference in a child's life!

    Kit-a-kid campaign: PROJECT

    There are thousands of learners who has never had new school uniform and a result is low self esteem and confidence.  
    The Kit-a-kid campaign were aiming to Kit their entire data base of 487 needy children with winter school uniform, have a party for all of the recipients, transport them from the various areas and treat them with "goodies" at the hand over party on the 14th of July.  They made use of local celeb's Christo Davids (Errol from 7de Laan) Kim Cloete ( Bianca from Isidingo) and the cast of Kat and the Kings at a Celeb fundraiser on the 7th July at Cape Gate Mall, where the public could get an autographed photo with the celebs, in exchange for a R50 Ackermans voucher. This went toward the R150 that each of their recipients would get.

    They then invited all of the recipients who are children from various homes, orphanages and support organisations in areas like Delft, Phillipi, West Lake Side, Mitchells Plain and Bontheuwel to a hand over party om the 14th of July where some face painting were done, games were played, lunch was provided (including some great pizza's from Roman's - THANK YOU!) and entertaining all with the aim of inspiring the kids.

    They planned on helping 487 children, but managed to help 200 kids between the ages of 6 and 13.  The estimated value of products or services they got sponsored for this project was R50 000 with 15-30 volunteer assisting them.  They consider this project a success as this project has been running for 8 years and has many success stories of previous recipients who's school grades actually inproved after receiving the new uniform and positive interaction at the hand over party.  And yes... this project will continue as Party With a Purpose Productions (a NPO) are working hard towards growing the project to reach more needy children.