Tuesday 31 July 2012

Media24 Books Employee Engagement Forum, Amabookaboeke: PROJECT

The Thuthuzela Care Centre at Karl Bremer Hospital helps rape victims become survivors. Amabookaboeke's (Media24 Books Employee Engagement Forum) aim is to assist the counsellors in the tremendous job they do and to help the young lives begin a healing process.

They supplied the centre with pamper packs for the young survivors aged 0-12 years. Each pack contained nappies or boys or girls underwear, sanitary towels, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, hairclips ...(for the girls), cloth, soap, a soft toy, sweets and whatever other little gifts that are donated. You may make up a pack yourself or make a donation of some of the products. They are happy to buy products on your behalf too. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting the project. They are grateful for all the donations whereby they are able to supply to the centre. The support for the project has been phenomenal. In June 2012 they planned on supplying 100 pamper packs. With the generous contributions of friends and colleagues they were able to donate 200 packs, books, a toy box with toys, and also some toiletries for the Centre itself.

The estimated value of products and services sponsored were R17 000, they had 358 volunteers assisting with this project and is definately continuing with this project as they are getting ready to pack another 100 packs in the next month.

They consider their project a success because people are passionate about this cause. Every person that they speak to, every parent that they speak to wants to come aboard. Even if you can only contribute a bar of soap per month you are doing your bit towards a pamper pack being ready for delivery.

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