Friday 20 July 2012


My name is Joe Struwig, I am the Chairman of “Live to Race”, a Children’s Outreach, we are in our 5th year running. We are a group of 120 drivers (all volunteers), owners of sports and race cars with a passion for special children. We are a self funded NPO and are currently working with approx 10 National Charities including Reach for a Dream, Hokisa, The Homestead, CHOC, The Anna Foundation, etc, etc. Our Charity partners include Old Mutual, WPMC, ER24, Airports Company, Total, Ignition TV, CAR Magazine, 104FM Radio Tygerberg – to name a few.

The Killarney Race Track in Cape Town once again became a hive of action and adrenalin when “Live o Race” hosted another “Live to Race” fun day for special children – with the aim of wiping some serious smiles onto those little faces. The date was Sunday the 29th of July and 25-30 sports and race cars were taken to the track driving children living with cancer, children in wheelchairs and children from disadvantaged backgrounds around the track.

They requested pizzas from Romans pizza to provide lunch for the 113 people on Sunday and Radio Tygerberg collected the pizza's and arrived at the track with a total of 19 boxes and 38 pizza's and everone had a FEAST!!! 

This project was motivated by the Double Up SA challenge and they managed to help 81 kids.  The project will absolutely continue as Live to Race is a sustainable outreach.  They do 4 events at Killarney Race Track every year and have been doing so for the past 4 years running.

They have a team of volunteers who bring their time and their sports cars only so that they can share the experience with someone who's in need of a little care and upliftment.  It's a passion which they all share and it's wonderful being in a position to do so - to make a difference in a child's life!

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