Tuesday 31 July 2012

Women and Beyond - "No Shame" campaign: PROJECT

On the 14th of July a "No Shame" campaign was hosted for Women and Beyond at Bayside Mall for 3 days to not only create awareness but collect goodies so that whenever a mother visited them, they could cater for the children as well. The project could only accomodate 33 plus children and toys and snacks were needed to make Goodie-bags for the children (aged between 4 and 9 years old) visiting the care centre. 

All the sweets, bears and colouring paper & crayons were sponsored and yes, this project will continue because the need is great as they receive women daily in their care and they mostly come with children when they attend their counselling sessions.  They have seen growth from just being able to help 1 child to gradualy growing to 33 and more. It has been growing and it benefits the children emotionally as well to be attended to on that level. They even appointed a child therapist who will make sure the childrens emotional and psychological needs are met.  They would like to add a snack as well into the goodie pack.

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