Friday 8 June 2012

Old Mutual: PROJECT

Project update

Old Mutual personell will upgrade the rape room at Vredenburg Hospital to be victim friendly.  They will also assist in upgrading the forensic social worker room at Vredenburg Child Protection Unit (at Saldanha SAPS) to be child-friendly.  The opening of these two rooms will take place on 11 June 2012.

We are proud to announce the upgrading of two important rooms on the Cape West Coast. The victim room at Vredenburg Hospital and the room of the forensic social worker at Vredenburg FCS (based at Saldanha SAPS) was upgraded to be victim/child friendly by the Old Mutual Staff fund and the St Helena Church. Murals were done in both rooms and they were furnished with carpets, toys, linen, furniture and more.  The St Helena Church as well as Akkerdyk Church in Vredenburg will adopt the hospital and FCS unit and give support to officials and children and also to supply comfort packs to the victims. These facilities will assist 150+ children every year.

Active primarily in the Western Cape and Gauteng, Matla a Bana funds and maintains child-friendly abuse reporting facilities, offer specialised training for law enforcement officers, courses in forensic medical examinations for medical practitioners and train and support social workers so that they are better equipped to deal with child abuse cases. Matla a Bana also spearheads advocacy and child abuse awareness campaigns and the provision of comfort packs to child victims of rape and abuse. Matla a Bana assists more than 13 000 child victims of sexual abuse and rape each year. Matla A Bana is the only legally affiliated NGO to the South African Police Service who has a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU).

Old Mutual Employees across in Cape Town and JHB gave 67 minutes of their time in honour of Nelson Mandela who celebrated his 94th birthday on 18th July 2012. Employees spent time making, decorating, painting and packing special comfort packs for girls between the ages of 4-8 and 9-12 who have been abused. Matla a Bana distributes the comfort packs to Family Violence, Child Protection & Sexual Offences (FCS) Units nationally. Children reporting incidents of rape and sexual abuse, are given comfort packs at the police stations or FCS units to help address their emotional, physical and emergency needs. Old Mutual Employees also spent time making emergency, waterproof sleeping bags for homeless and destitute people. The bags are made from newspaper and plastic. This project was run regionally and more than 200 sleeping bags were made by Old Mutual Employees across the country.

This project was a success in many ways. 1. Old Mutual and Matla a Bana joined forces to pack 3000 comfort packs which will be a source of comfort to 3000 children who have suffered abuse, and are brave enough to report it. 2. Old Mutual employees walked away from this experience a little wiser, extremely moved, and hoping that their small contribution will make a difference in the life of a broken child. 3. Because of the number of comfort packs Old Mutual employees were able to pack, Matla a Bana will be able to distribute comfort packs to the SAPS FCS units around the country; for at least 3 months.

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