Tuesday 15 May 2012

Skryf nou jou charity in

Luisteraars, nou is dit júlle beurt!
-     Kies ‘n liefdadigheid wat kinders in nood help
-     Sit koppe bymekaar vir ‘n eie projek waarmee jy dáárdie liefdadigheidsorganisasie kan ondersteun/se arms kan versterk
-     Gaan registreer (a) die liefdadigheidsorganisasie en (b) jou projek by www.doubleupsa.co.za
-     Rol jou projek tydens Junie/Julie uit
-     Skryf jou projek met die uitslae voor 31 Julie in
-     Beste 3 projekte word gekies
-     Luisteraars sal vir wen-projek stem en wenner se prysgeld gaan aan die liefdadigheidsorganisasie wat jy ondersteun

Monday 14 May 2012

Willowbridge 5 cent: PROJECT

Stop Hunger Now is an international hunger relief organization that coordinates the distribution of food and other life-saving aid around the world. The organization is driven by a vision of a world without hunger and a mission to end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and life-saving aid to the world's most vulnerable and by creating a global commitment to mobilize the necessary resources.
Stop Hunger Now’s meal packaging program provides volunteers the opportunity to package dehydrated, high protein, and highly nutritious meals that are used in crisis situations and in school feeding programs for schools and orphanages in developing countries around the world.

From the 1st of April 5 cent coins were discontinued. So they started asking people "what are you going to do with the ones you still have left in your purse or lying around?" and educating them that with one 5 cent coin they won’t be able to buy a meal, but put 40 of them together, and they can indeed. Stop Hunger, in cooperation with Willowbridge Shopping Centre and Radio Tygerberg, invited the public and schools to help them to collect one million 5 cent coins, with which they would be able to finance 25 000 meals.

The response was phenomenal!  They aimed to collect 1 million 5cent pieces and ended up collecting 1,488,663 x 5cent pieces which means they were able to donate R74 433.15 towards Stop Hunger Now which paid for 37 216 meals.  

On the 20th of June personnel from Willowbridge Shopping Centre and Radio Tygerberg joined Stop Hunger Now in Crossroads for the meal distribution at 3 creches in the area.  The big brown eyes that watched us in anticipation as boxes of food (and hope) were delivered and the "thank you's" afterwards touched everyone's hearts.  And as the old 5cent greeted the new day for the last time, we knew it brought care and satisfaction to many hungry tummies of those in desperate need. 

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Buy a pizza

You can help this project by buying a Roman's Pizza! During this month the Roman's Pizza shops will donate money for each pizza sold towards this project. Who says pizza is not healthy?!

First cause!

Matla A Bana - a voice against child abuse is the first cause to register for the Double Up Challenge in the Western Cape. They help more than 13000 abused children every year and need help to create child-friendly environments and supply comfort packs to the victims. Read more on them on www.matlaabana.co.za


Welcome to the official Double Up blogsite for Radio Tygerberg. Here we will keep you posted on all the causes registered, we will tell you what challenges our listeners took up and about their great achievements! You can also listen to our special Double Up programme that will be aired from 1 June 2012. Hope to see many Radio Tygerberg listeners going out there and doing the "Double Up"!